Electromagnetic Clutches and Brakes - Ogura Industrial Corp -

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Top 5 reasons for using a soft start controller

Top 5 reasons for using a soft start controller

Soft start controllers are used with Ogura's General Purpose clutches and PTO clutch brakes. These clutches are most commonly mounted on engine shafts on outdoor power equipment.

  Smooth clutch engagement: No belt screech or squeal - reduces "jolt and deck shake"
  Extends component life: Lessens forces to mechanical parts
  Eliminates stalling and engine "droop"
  Increases belt life: Reduces wear and breakage
  Overload protection: Available per request
          a.   Disengages clutch when excessive slip is detected
          b.   More uptime for operator
          c.   Fewer replaced clutches
          d.   Prevents overheated clutches

Each machine design is unique and the engagement profile on the Ogura soft start controller is unique as well. Testing with or without the controller will demonstrate the benefits on your particular machine. Slip detection is available for original equipment manufacturers through design collaboration with Ogura.

Benefits of using an Ogura Soft Start Controller:

  • Simple installation
  • Operator comfort
  • Lower operating costs
  • Reduced warranty cost

See how holding brakes work

Installation video

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