Electromagnetic Clutches and Brakes - Ogura Industrial Corp -

Mobile and General Purpose Products

Mobile and General Purpose Products

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Don't let go - operator presence controls

Don't let go - operator presence controls

Safety is a concern in nearly all engine driven machinery, particularly in the outdoor equipment market. High speed rotating components that are exposed or accessible present a danger of injury, dismemberment or worse. Just take a look at all the warning decals on a ride-on mower.

It isn't only the rotating components that pose the danger, however. Much outdoor power equipment is either self-propelled or comes in contact with the ground or floor in some way. What happens if the user loses control of the machine? Nothing good, obviously, if the machine continues to run. Outdoor or off-road equipment such as concrete grinders, cutters and trowels, stump cutters, floor buffers and trenchers all engage the earth in some way. The damage caused by an out-of-control floor polisher or concrete trowel could be devastating.

The safest as well as an economical way to improve safety is to add an Ogura clutch to the system. If the machine operator loses control, a General Purpose clutch, mounted to the engine shaft disengages the cutting blade or wheel through the use of an operator presence control. If the operator lets go of the handle, the clutch automatically disengages. Since electric clutches are not speed dependent, they can be engaged and disengaged at any point in their speed range, unlike centrifugal clutches.

Ogura electromagnetic clutches are available in all standard engine shafts sizes and offer multiple output options, including single and multiple v belt pulleys and universal output flanges for in-line or other output options like sprockets or timing pulleys.

Ogura's GT and MA series of General Purpose clutches range in torque from around 110 lb-ft to 400 lb-ft for engines ranging from 5 HP to 40 HP. Bore sizes for most models correlate to popular engine shaft sizes of 1" to 1.7/16" but custom designs can be made for the right quantity. Most mobile application clutches have 12V coils but other voltages such as 24V can be available for certain sizes and quantities. Ogura electromagnetic clutches offer multiple output options, including single and multiple v-belt pulleys and universal output flanges for in-line drives or other output options like sprockets or timing pulleys. Soft start controllers are available for these clutches too.

  • Benefits you will see when using an Ogura electromagnetic clutch:
  • Reduced engine load on cold weather starts
  • Increased operational life of pumps and other driven equipment
  • Fuel and energy savings
  • Safety and convenience (remote starting)

  • See how holding brakes work

    Installation video

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