Electromagnetic Clutches and Brakes - Ogura Industrial Corp -

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Balancing design objectives with low power braking

Power can be saved while using electromagnetic brakes. Cooler operation is better for effi ciency and machine design longevity … and oftentimes, optimizing a brake's performance is possible through customization. Consider how electromagnetic spring-applied brakes work: These brakes mechanically hold loads but electrically actuate to release. So without power applied, the brakes stop and hold a shaft in place to prevent rotation.

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Big World of miniature brakes

Many industries have come to employ the compact cameras, sensors, batteries, processors, and communications technologies made ubiquitous by consumer products. Electromagnetic brakes complement such designs with miniature formats.

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Design World: Ogura Profile in Design World Magazine

In the January 2023 issue of Design World Magazine, Ogura was featured in the Leadership in Engineering section. The page gave a short profile of Ogura Industrial Corp. and additional background into the major markets that Ogura Industrial serves in North America.

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Design World: Top 12 design considerations for power-off brakes

In the November edition of Design World, an article written by Industrial Product Manager, Brian Mather, was featured. Click here for article

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Design World: Ogura Profile In Design World Magazine

In the January 2022 issue of Design World Magazine, Ogura was featured in the Leadership in Engineering section. The page gave a short profile of Ogura Industrial Corp. and additional background into the major markets that Ogura Industrial serves in North America.

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Making Fuel Cells More Efficient

In the February issue of New Power Progress, an article by Fred Cacace was published called "Making Fuel Cells More Efficient"

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Manufacturing Technology Insights Article

In the December issue of Manufacturing Technology Insights, Brian Mather, Ogura's Industrial sales manager was interviewed about Ogura's strengths in helping to support a wide variety of industrial applications. Along with the article was an award given for the annual listing of Top (10) Motion Control Motions Systems Solutions Providers.

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Unitized vs. Caliper vs. Drum

The November 2021 issue of Elevator World featured an article written by Ogura Industrial's sales manager, Brian Mather, describing the different types of brakes that are used in elevator applications and the differences between different braking options.

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Safety first with friction-element action triggered by spring engagement

FRICTION-BASED brakes and clutches that use springs (typically axialcompression coil springs) for engagement are an exceptionally important class of components. No wonder their variations often justify unique designations that often justify unique designations that underscore their very specific and essential functions in machine designs. These include certain: • Spring-set brakes • Fail safe brakes • Slip clutches • Safety and e-stop brakes • Holding brakes • Servomotor brakes

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Design World: Ogura Profile In Design World Magazine

In the January 2020 issue of Design World Magazine, Ogura was featured in the Leadership in Engineering section. The page gave a short profile of Ogura Industrial Corp. and additional background into the major markets that Ogura Industrial serves in North America.

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Balancing Design Objectives with Low Power Braking

In the August issue of Design World, an article written by Brian Mather was featured. https://www.designworldonline.com/balancing-power-weight-and-efficiency-objectives-with-low-power-braking/

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The Big World of Minature Brakes

In the June edition of Design World, an article written by industrial products manager, Brian Mather was featured. https://www.motioncontroltips.com/miniature-brakes-examples-of-where-electromagnetic-spring-applied-versions-excel/

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Ogura Featured in Newsweek International February 2019

Yashuhiro Ogura, President of Ogura Clutch, discusses how the company is developing clutch technology for electronic vehicles and robots

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Elevator World: Give Me a Brake

In the February issue of Elevator World Magazine, an article written by Ogura Industrial Corp`s Brian Mather was published that talks about the evolution of brakes for elevators and escalators

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Design World: Ogura Profile In Design World Magazine

In the January 2019 issue of Design World Magazine, Ogura was featured in the Leadership in Engineering section. The page gave a short profile of Ogura Industrial Corp. and additional background into the major markets that Ogura Industrial serves in North America.

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Ogura In Machine Design Leaders Issue

In case you missed it, Ogura was featured in the Machine Design Leaders Issue. Check out the article here! https://www.machinedesign.com/leaders-machine-design-2019#32

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Design World: Ogura Profile In Design World Magazine

In the January 2018 issue of Design World Magazine, Ogura was featured in the Leadership in Engineering section. The page gave a short profile of Ogura Industrial Corp. and additional background into the major markets that Ogura Industrial serves in North America.

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Machine Design: Whats the difference between torque control solutions?

In December, Machine Design ran an article written by Ogura titles "What`s the Difference Between Torque Control Solutions?" The article focused on using hysteresis products to control torque. The article described the function of magnetic particle in powered and non-powered hysteresis clutches and brakes. Since there one size doesn't fit all regarding clutches and brakes, the article did not focus on which is the best product. The article described how each product worked and left it up to the reader to determine what would be best suited for their application.

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Machine Design: Building a more efficient supercharger

The June issue of Machine Design featured an article on the Ogura supercharger

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Design World: Ogura Profile In Design World Magazine

In the January 2017 issue of Design World Magazine, Ogura was featured in the Leadership in Engineering section. The page gave a short profile of Ogura Industrial Corp. and additional background into the major markets that Ogura Industrial serves in North America.

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Machine Design: Thinner spring applied brakes

In the November issue of Machine Design, a brief article talked about the trend in robotics and servo applications to have thinner spring applied brakes.

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Machine Design: What to look for when choosing holding brakes


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Design World: Trends in Clutches and Brakes

In the March issue of Design World Magazine and Design World online, Ogura contributed to an article regarding the trends in electromagnetic clutches and brakes. Ogura commented about the growth in holding brake applications due to the increased use of servo motors and robotics in manufacturing. Ogura also commented about the need for smaller but higher performing products and showed the new thin line of holding brakes as well as the micro clutches that are used in office automation for paper handling applications. The article also discussed how more product qualification is being driven to suppliers like Ogura. Reduced engineering staff at many OEMs means that suppliers are becoming more integrated with the OEMs design team to make sure the right product is chosen from the start.

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Design World: Ogura Profile in Design World Magazine

In the January 2016 issue of Design World Magazine, Ogura was featured in the Leadership in Engineering section. The page gave a short profile of Ogura Industrial Corp. and additional background into the major markets that Ogura Industrial serves in North America.

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Fluid Power: Small compressors provide big opportunities

Fluid Power Journal: In the August issue of Fluid Power Magazine, shows how Ogura worked with VMAC to provide a small high torque clutch to power their new underhood compressor for pneumatic power tools and compressed air for mobile service trucks.

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Design News: Dynamic Heat Generators and Ogura Electric Clutches

In the November issue of Design News, there was an article featuring Ogura clutches fora heat generator system.

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Design News: Hazardous Situations Require a Dependable Brake.

Safety is an important factor when deciding on the best brake for your application. The Ogura RNB brake is primarily used for holding a load in place. When the servomotor is running, the brake field is energized, so a magnetic field is generated, attracting the steel pressure plate. When the pressure plate is pulled toward the field, it compresses six small coil springs.

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Design News: Life Saving Rescue Tools at Work

In the May issue of Design News, there was an article featuring Ogura spring-applied brakes for portable x-ray machine.

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Design News: X-Ray Machine Visits Patients Rooms

In the September issue of Design News, there was an article featuring Ogura spring-applied brakes for portable x-ray machine. https://www.designnews.com/automation-motion-control/x-ray-machine-visits-patients-rooms/162028374934095

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Design News: A Unique Way to Service Wind Generators

In the August issue of Design News featuring Ogura spring-applied brakes for a wind generator service elevator. https://www.designnews.com/automation-motion-control/unique-way-maintain-wind-generators/101270731234100

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Design News: Applying Permanent Magnet Brakes in Targeted Biopsy

In the May Medical Trendwatch issue of Design News, there was an article featuring Oguras permanent magnet brakes for targeted biopsy. www.eigen.com

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Ogura Presentation on TX series Hydrogen Pump

Ogura Presentation on TX series Hydrogen Blower at the Orlando Fuel Cell Seminar & Exposition - November, 2011: In-situ Anode Recirculation Rate Measurement Method.

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Design News: Ogura Electromagnetic Particle Clutch Helps Build a Solid Foundation

In the October issue of Design News, there was an article featuring Oguras OPC-80 magnetic particle clutch for a system that helps detect bedrock for anchoring oil platforms. To view the Design News article, please visit https://www.designnews.com/automation-motion-control/building-solid-foundation/158080788043588

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Machine Design: Ogura Electromagnetic Clutch Helps Hollands Newest Powerplant: A centuries old windmill

In case you missed it, the August 23rd issue of Machine Design showed the attached article from our application in Europe retrofitting the old Dutch windmills with generators. The article shows how new technology can be added to old technology without detracting from the historic design. To view the article as it appeared in Machine Design, please visit http://www.machinedesign.com/news/holland-s-newest-power-plant-centuries-old-windmill

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Design News: Ogura Electromagnetic Clutch Helps Portable Data Collection System Profiles the Ocean

In case you missed it, this month`s issue of Design News featured Ogura multiple disc clutches for a company called the OceanScience Group. The Ogura MDC clutches were chosen because of their high torque and compact size. The clutch allowed a probe to be positioned at the proper depth to measure temperatures in different oceans around the world. https://www.designnews.com/automation-motion-control/portable-data-collection-system-profiles-ocean/57790420843591

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Design News: Ogura Electromagnetic Clutch Helps Doctors Increase Efficiency

In the May issue of the Design News Medical Trend Watch, an article by Ogura showed how eye doctors were using a spring-applied clutch to achieve a finer control of a vision testing table. The article explained how the MCSC spring-applied clutch allowed doctors to adjust the equipment to a patient`s height quickly giving a more accurate position and decreasing the time patients need to spend with the doctor. http://dc.ee.ubm-us.com/i/64516/91

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Machine Design: Ogura electromagnetic clutch helps keep century old clock ticking

In the April issue of Machine Design, Ogura was featured in an article describing how an old clock was modernized with the help of an Ogura electromagnetic CT-20 clutch. The attached article is what was originally submitted to Machine Design. To view the article as it appeared in Machine Design, please visit http://www.machinedesign.com/news/clutch-helps-keep-century-old-clock-ticking

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Motion System Design: New Trends in Electromagnetic Braking Technology

In the February 2012 issue of Motion System Design, Ogura contributed both pictures and information regarding the current trends in braking technology. Ogura`s information was focused in two separate categories of consumers and industrial customers. http://www.machinedesign.com/mechanical-drives/trends-braking-technology

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Machine Design: Ogura Electromagnetic Clutch Single Axis Speed Increaser

In the August issue of Machine Design, the concept for speed increaser/clutch was shown in the "Scanning for Ideas" section. The concept of the device is to increase speed of alternators/generators on idling gas and diesel engines so the engine should not have to rev as high to provide electrical power. To view the article as it appeared in Machine Design, please visit http://www.machinedesign.com/news/scanning-ideas-speed-increaser-lets-idling-engines-power-electronics

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Motion System Design: Ogura Electromagnetic Particle Clutch Produces Tensioning in Winding

In the June 2011 issue of Motion System Design, the attached article was run showing how Ogura magnetic particle clutches and brakes, and Ogura permanent magnet brakes are used for controlling tension on film and wire applications. http://www.machinedesign.com/markets/motion-scenarios-tensioning-winding

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Design News: Ogura Electromagnetic Zero Backlash Brakes in Magnetic Therapy

In the Medical Trend Watch of the May issue of Design News, the Ogura RNB spring-applied brakes were highlighted as a component used by Neuronetics Corp. in their magnetic stimulation anti-depression machine. The story cited an editorial from The Wall Street Journal showing how this new technology is helping people treat depression without pharmaceuticals. https://www.designnews.com/automation-motion-control/applying-zero-backlash-brakes-magnetic-therapy/23460994743190/page/1/1

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Altenergymag.com: Ogura Hydrogen Pump Helps Power The World`s Largest Fleet of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Hybrid Buses

In the January issue of Altenergymag.com an article featuring Ogura`s new Hydrogen Pump was featured showing how this new pump has helped fuel cell systems achieve longer hours of operation at greater efficiency. Detailed information was given regarding Ballard`s experience with their fleet of fuel cell buses. The article has already generated interest from customers hoping to achieve similar increases in efficiency and overall fuel cell life. http://www.altenergymag.com/emagazine/2010/12/the-world%E2%80%99s-largest-fleet-of-hydrogen-fuel-cell-hybrid-buses/1635

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Machine Design: Ogura Hydrogen Pump Helps Make More Efficient Fuel Cells

In the December 9th issue of Machine Design, an article was written showing how Ogura`s new hydrogen pump helped Ballard achieve higher efficiency and long life in mobile fuel cell applications. The article featured the buses that were used in the 2010 Olympics and explained how Ogura`s new Hydrogen Pump has allowed continuous operation of those buses with significant operating hours. http://www.machinedesign.com/news/more-efficient-pumping-fuel-cells

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Design News: Ogura Electromagnetic Brakes Help Depression Treatment Machine

In October, Design News posted an article on their website showing how the Ogura Spring Applied Brake (Model RNB) helped Neuronetics provide accurate positioning of a Depression Therapy Machine. The article explained the advantages of Ogura`s RNB design when used in medical applications. https://www.designnews.com/automation-motion-control/using-magnets-depression-treatment/58458458242750

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Machine Design: Ogura Supercharger Relies on Wankel-style Rotors

The October issue of Machine Design explained how the Ogura Supercharger is able to operate at such a high efficiency. The article showed a cut-away and explained the component parts of the supercharger along with its operational advantages. http://www.machinedesign.com/hydraulics/scanning-ideas-ogura-supercharger-uses-wankel-designed-rotors

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Diesel Progress: Ogura Air Pumps find New Applicatons

The February edition of Diesel Progress highlighted the technology of clean air. One of those articles showed how the high efficiency Ogura Air Pump can help to eliminate diesel particulates by assisting to burn off filtered particulates. The article also explained how smaller high efficient air pumps are being used in fuel cell applications to help push air and hydrogen through the fuel cells proton exchange membrane creating electricity.

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Machine Design: The Basics of Electromagnetic Clutches and Brakes

On July 9th, Machine Design published an article written by Ogura on considerations that design engineers should follow when designing in electromagnetic clutches and brakes. The original article that was submitted is attached as well as the link to the article in Machine Design. http://www.machinedesign.com/archive/basics-electromagnetic-clutches-and-brakes

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Machine Design: Getting a Handle on Inertia UPDATE

There is a typo in the low speed formula. The reflected inertia of LG1 is currently listed as JLG1/(NS2/NL1)2. The correct formula should be JLG1/(NL1/NS2)2. In the high speed operation the reflected inertia of large gear 2 and small gear 1 is repeated twice. JLG2 + (JLG1/(NL1/NS2)2) should be eliminated from the first half of the equation. These mistakes were caught by Neal Middleberg, who is the Chief Engineer of Bowe Bell and Howell, who uses this type of formula to help define total system inertia in complex machines.

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Machine Design: Ogura Electromagnetic spring-applied Brake helps out high-def eye in the Sky

In the December 11th issue of Machine Design an article, In the Reporters Notebook section, talked about how the Ogura Spring Applied Brakes help the Action-Cam Company control their high definition stadium camera. The link above shows the article as it appeared in the Ogura Newsletter. If you would like to see the Machine Design article please visit www.machinedesign.com.

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Diesel Progress: Ogura (Super)charges into Marine Diesel Markets

In April 2008 Diesel Progress ran an article about Ogura's advantages for the supercharger when used with marine engines.

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PTE: Ogura Electromagnetic Spring-Applied Brakes Help the Search for Intelligent Life

The original article for this story appeared in some industry newsletters in 2006. The attached story is the full article that appeared in Power Transmission Engineering magazine. The article describes how Ogura brakes are being used to help position radio telescopes as they search for intelligent life in the universe.

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Diesel Progress, North American Edition, Superchargers coming back into focus

In March of 2007 Diesel Progress ran an editorial describing how Ogura's high efficiency superchargers helped Kawasaki jet skis and other manufacturers achieve higher horse power output. The article also describes how by utilizing Ogura electromagnetic clutches superchargers can be engaged and disengaged only when needed to reduce parasitic loads.

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Hydraulics and Pneumatics: Pump clutches save energy, wear and tear.

In December and article in Hydraulics and Pneumatics discussed how Ogura pump clutches can be used to decrease pump wear and fuel efficiency in both mobile and stationary applications.

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Machine Design: Along came a Spider mower

This news article from the August 5th edition of Machine Design shows Ogura PTO clutches on a new type of remote control mower.

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Machine Design: Gas-powered oil-well pumps: ELECTRIC CLUTCH MAKES THEM PRACTICAL

Machine Design ran an editorial in their August 7 edition on how Ogura's clutches are being used in the oil field industry to allow natural gas engines to cost effectively replace electric motors on pump jacks and how ideally they are suited for continuous exposed environmental conditions.

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Design News: Electrifying Kart

In July, Design News ran a paragraph in their FLASH section, which denotes new and notable product designs. The article highlighted how the ST1W electromagnetic clutch allowed a go kart to achieve speeds in excess of 100 mph.

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Machine Design: A Fan of Fuel Savings

Editorial in Machine Design shows the advantages of using an Ogura electromagnetic clutch for engine driven fan applications. Fuel savings, reduced emissions and faster engine temperature climbs are some of the key advantages for both on and off road applications. http://machinedesign.com/news/fan-fuel-savings?page=2

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Design News: How to Catch Torque

This article from Design News shows how effective an Ogura magnetic particle brake can be used in an arcade game. The article shows how a magnetic particle brake can simulate line pull in the arcade fishing game called "Angler King" from Namco.

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Design News: Clutch/Brake Maximizes Portable Sawmill Efficiency

Ogura Industrial provides TimberKing with a clutch/brake that enables a rotating band saw to be started and stopped remotely. Now an operator can remain behind the mill and control all functions. Upon cutting power to the clutch/brake, the brake slows to meet pre-set stop time requirements. Remote control over blade engagement and disengagement also minimizes the stress on the blade band.

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Newsletter: Auxillary Power Systems for Trucks

Ogura Industrial was featured in an industry trade magazine showing how a small horsepower diesel engine and a number of Ogura clutches can run the various generators and compressors required on a tractor trailer. The advantage with running the smaller horsepower engines is that the drives do not have to run their large diesel engines all night long just to provide heat and electricity. A full version of the article as it appeared in the Ogura newsletter is attached to the link.

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Trouble Shooting PTO Clutch/Brakes

With the increase in usage of electric PTO clutch/brakes in the outdoor power equipment industry, many customers are doing their own trouble shooting of PTO clutch/brakes. The following is an article that was originally published in 1995, but it is still relevant today. However, before proceeding with any of the numerical references in the article, please check with the manufacturer to confirm the specifics for the clutch you are using.

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Machine Design: Electric Clutches on the Go

Ogura Industrial was featured in the October 19, 2000 issue of Machine Design. The article entitled "Electric Clutches on the Go", show the advantages of Ogura clutches on gas and diesel engine applications.

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Design News: Magnetic clutch controls bottle-capping torque

Ogura Industrial was featured in the October 16, 2000 issue of Design News. The article entitled "Magnetic clutch controls bottle-capping torque", showed how Ogura engineering brings a better twist to the bottling industry.

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Design News: A paper pusher extraordinaire

Ogura Industrial was featured in the May 15, 2000 issue of Design News. The article, entitled "Magnetic-particle clutch ENDS paper chase", showed how Ogura engineering helped in speeding up Kodak's Document Scanner 9500.

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Design News: Redesigned Mower Brake Stops On A Dime

Ogura Industrial was featured in the April 3, 2000 issue of Design News. The editorial article, entitled "Redesigned Mower Brake Stops On A Dime", showed how Ogura engineering overcame a design challenge at Simplicity Manufacturing.

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Machine Design: Getting a Grip on Clutch and Brake Selection

Ogura Industrial was featured in the September issue of Machine Design. The featured article, entitled "Getting A Grip On Clutch And Brake Selection", detailed the proper steps that should be taken when selecting an electromechanical clutch or brake. The article also highlighted the importance of inertia when selecting a clutch and brake and the free inertia calculator on our web site was highlighted.

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Machine Design: Getting a Handle on Inertia

Ogura was featured in an article similar to this one in a recent issue of Machine Design. The article discussed the importance of calculating inertia in an application to determine how much torque is required from a clutch or a brake. A key highlight of the article was showing Ogura`s on-line inertia calculator. That saves engineers time in doing complex inertia calculations. (For more information on this, go to the inertia calculator portion on our website.)

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