Electromagnetic Clutches and Brakes - Ogura Industrial Corp -

Mobile and General Purpose Products

Mobile and General Purpose Products

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Get instant fuel savings

Today, fuel prices are high. You can, however, start saving fuel now.

Most engine driven pumps and components do not need to run all the time. By disconnecting a component from a gas or diesel engine, those parasitic loads are eliminated. By adding an Ogura electromagnetic clutch, you can simply disconnect the driven component when not required by a simple flip of a switch. Fuel savings are not the only advantage of adding an Ogura clutch. With decreased loading to the engine, overall energy efficiency increases and strain on the engine is reduced. An additional benefit is longer component life since run time is minimized.

Both Ogura General Purpose and Mobile clutches are suitable for these applications. The General Purpose line can be mounted directly to the engine shaft to control multiple components. The Mobile product is intended for use various pumps and can be mounted directly to the pump or via a bracket. The General Purpose and Mobile clutches are rated from 58 to 1500 lb. ft. and are suitable for any outdoor application.

Benefits you will see when using an Ogura electromagnetic clutch

  • Reduced engine load on cold weather starts
  • Increased operational life of pumps and other driven equipment
  • Fuel and energy savings
  • Safety and convenience (remote starting)

See how holding brakes work

Installation video

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