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What causes belts to wear out faster?
We've heard the stories where one person runs a machine and has to replace belts every few months, while another person runs a similar type machine and the belt lasts for years. You might ask, why is that? For belts used with Ogura General Purpose clutches or PTO clutch-brakes, there is a common denominator.
Belts wear for many different reasons. It could be related to pulley misalignment, worn pulleys, debris, contamination, heat, improper belt selection or fit, slipping, or a number of other factors. We will focus here on slipping since it is related to the electromagnetic clutch. The engagement of an electromagnetic clutch occurs very quickly. This means that a lot of energy needs to be transmitted in a short period of time. This inevitably causes some degree of slipping, being minor or major. Slipping causes wear.
One way to reduce the amount of slipping, relative to the clutch pulley, is to engage the clutch at a lower speed. By cutting your speed in half during the clutch engagement process, the engagement energy is reduced by 75%. This results in less strain and wear on the belt. By the way, it also helps the clutch last a lot longer as well.
Another way to reduce belt wear is to operate the clutch through a soft start controller. The basic principle here is to spread that engagement energy over a longer duration. For example, that 0.25 second engagement might occur in 1.2 seconds with a soft start controller. This drastically reduces belt wear and can extend belt life exponentially.
Ogura General Purpose clutches and PTO clutch-brakes are in made in a variety of configurations and typically mount on gas and diesel engines rated up to 40 HP. Bore sizes match the typical engine shaft sizes. Pulley sizes can vary based on machine requirements. Some have hub outputs to mount your own pulley, sprocket or coupling half. Clutch torque is rated up to 400 lb-ft on the larger units. These clutches typically operate on 12 or 24VDC.
Benefits of using Ogura General Purpose and PTO Clutches
- Long life
- Durable for outdoor environments
- Low cost
- Dependable
- Operable with a soft start controller