Electromagnetic Clutches and Brakes - Ogura Industrial Corp -

Holding Brakes Products

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Holding brakes smaller than a dime.
Industrial leading medical and robotics applications require innovative products.

The medical equipment market continues to accelerate. Ogura brings innovative solutions to the market. Using manufacturing expertise, advanced equipment, custom designs and materials, Ogura has designed power off holding brakes as small as 8mm OD. They are available for surgical robotics, industrial robotics, and aerospace applications.

These brakes operate in a power-off state. This means that when no power is applied, the brake is applying braking torque. The torque is generated mechanically by springs. When electrical power is applied to the brake's coil, it becomes an electromagnet, and the armature plate attracts to the coil body while compressing the springs. At this point, the brake is disengaged, and the shaft is free to rotate.

The electrical actuation of the brake is quite fast. The response time is almost instant. The brakes typically offer exceptionally low inertia of rotating parts allowing for quicker motor response times. Low voltage coils are often used to keep heat to a minimum. When space is at a premium, Ogura designs the proper

The static torque range is typically single or double digit mNm torque. Custom designs are the norm. Reliability is paramount.

Benefits you will see using Ogura micro holding brakes:

  • Brakes provide holding power when voltage is released
  • Standard voltages are 12 and 24, but other coil voltages are possible
  • Brakes are designed for holding and emergency stops
  • Brakes available in round or square to match servo motor style

How they work

How they are installed

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