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Holding Brakes Products

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Health Brake: Brakes for medical equipment

Health Brake:
Brakes for medical equipment

Thanks to medical science, the average life span and quality of life is improving around the world. Let's not forget about the equipment and technology that also makes this possible. Xray and CT scan equipment have always been popular application for power off brakes. Surgical robots are also taking a giant leap forward. When life and quality of life depend on it, Ogura brakes are there to make a difference.

Holding brakes are commonly used on rotating axes. Power off spring applied brakes or permanent magnet brakes are commonly mounted on the back end of motors. Quiet options are available for these noise sensitive applications. On rotating discs or tables slides, power-on holding electro-magnets can be used to prevent unwanted rotation. On robotic arms, power-off brakes mount on the motors. On small surgical devices, micro brakes mount on the back end of a high speed servo motors. With some customization, accommodations can also be made to fit both a brake and encoder on the back end of the motor.

Ogura's micro brakes are built per order with high speed capability. Torque requirements are normally low (mNm) due to the additional use of planetary gearboxes on the output side of the motor. These brakes are light weight, low power, and durable.

Ogura's RNB series is one example of a brake that can be utilized on Xray and CT equipment. Quiet options are available. Static torque of RNB series is rated from 1.5 lb-ft (2 Nm) to 148 lb-ft (200 Nm).

Lastly, holding electro-magnets are power-on brakes (magnets). They are ideal for hold/release mechanisms. Axial forces range from 90 to 3500 N. Special voltages, forces, mounting types are available upon request.

Benefits of Ogura medical equipment brakes:

  • Long life
  • Quality
  • Quiet options
  • Manual release options
  • Optimization
  • Preferred mounting
  • Low total cost

How they work

How they are installed

For models and dimensions, click here: