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Worn down but still expect the same performance?
Self-adjusting, MS and V-A series clutches and brakes last longer and perform better
We all know that getting older stinks. Our bodies wear out and things "start to go." Machines are sort of the same way. You run them hard and then they wear out. Well, it doesn't hurt to make some adjustments along the way so that we can extend life longer, and perform better as well.
Common applications that need adjustments for wear include: inserting equipment, repetitive cycling, lab and factory automation, medical equipment, and printing. The good news is that Ogura has self-adjusting solutions to accommodate for this wear.
Ogura series MS and V-A clutch and brakes have built-in features to self-adjust for wear. Not only does it offer extended life, it also offers consistent engagement and release times. MS units also are available in a clutch + brake combo called MSU series. V Series starts at a static torque rating of 4 lb-ft (6 Nm) and MS series goes as high as 738 lb-ft (1,000 Nm).
Benefits of using Ogura MS and V-A series clutches and brakes:
- Long life
- Easy mounting
- Constant engagement time
- Constant release time
- High Quality
- Machine uptime