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Electromagnetic Clutches and Brakes - Ogura Industrial Corp -

Supercharger Products

Supercharger Products

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Double your horsepower without increasing engine size

Double your horsepower without increasing engine size

By forcing high volumes of air into your intake manifold, Ogura superchargers boost combustion and engine horsepower without increasing the size of the engine. Cars use an exact mixture of air and fuel to create horsepower. To burn the fuel hotter and more efficiently, the supercharger forces additional air into the combustion chamber. Forcing additional air into the mixture allows more fuel to be burned, and the result can be an increase in HP of nearly 100% in most small internal combustion engines. Doesn't this hurt the engine? For most applications, the answer is no because the engine manufacturers use significant safety margins allowing most parts to survive this boost. Some race cars or special high-performance machines (around 140% HP increase), may require upgraded engine or drivetrain components.

Ogura superchargers can be fitted with a high-performance electromagnetic clutch which can engage the supercharger only when needed. This clutch operates identical to the clutch on the air-conditioning compressor in your vehicle, turn on only when needed thereby saving fuel when not needed. This ability to disengage the supercharger at high speeds works well with a combination supercharger-turbo charger systems.

Benefits of using Ogura superchargers are:

  • Higher operating efficiencies
  • Can be provided with optional electric clutch
  • Special coating on rotors prevent damage from contaminants
  • Lightweight aluminum housing provides excellent heat dissipation

For models and dimensions, click here: