Electromagnetic Clutches and Brakes - Ogura Industrial Corp -

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Ogura Representatives

Scandinavia, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark

Cumatix AB (for new applications and engineering assistance)

Halsingegatan 43
SE100 31 Stockholm, Sweden

Contact: Fredrik Ståhl
Telephone: 46-8768 6591
Fax: 46-8792 4333
Email: uw@cumatix.se
Website: www.cumatix.se

Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland

Cumatix AB (for new applications and engineering assistance)

Halsingegatan 43
SE100 31 Stockholm, Sweden

Contact: Knut Stangenberg
Telephone: +46(0)733 75 58 72
Email: knut.stangenberg@cumatix.se
Website: www.cumatix.se

Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland

Cumatix AB (for new applications and engineering assistance)

Halsingegatan 43
SE100 31 Stockholm, Sweden

Telephone: 46-8768 6591
Fax: 46-8792-4333
Website: www.cumatix.se



Parc d`Activites de la Vallee de l`Escaut
Secteur 2 - B.P. 61
59264 Onnaing

Telephone: +33 (0) 3 27 28 56 00
Fax: +33 (0) 3 27 28 56 01
Email: contact@ogura-sas.fr
Website: www.ogura-sas.fr/